Monday, February 16, 2009

Meta-Stalking article

Prad Prathivi of Metaversally Speaking shared this article on February 15, 2009 and it is worth reading. It addresses meta-stalking.

Stalking in SL happens more than some would think. Whether it is an ex-lover (or God forbid, a current one using an alt), a customer/client, or just a random griefer, it happens. It's happened to me a couple of times - once all the way to my RL place of work, and once still goes on today. What do SL stalkers do? Check your profile constantly, go where they know you will be, join your Groups, use online indicators to see when you are on, make alts and try to strike up a "new" relationship with you...the list goes on. It's creepy and sad. And scary.

The article referenced above addresses it well.