Saturday, December 27, 2008

Spring Wellness Magazine

Already in the works is our Spring issue of Wellness Magazine, which will focus on avatars and identity.

I'm interested in learning:
  • How did you choose your avatar's "look"?
  • How does the appearance of your avatar relate to the RL you? The same, different, or ?
  • Has your "look" changed since you rezzed, and how?
  • What kinds of avatars catch your eye? In a positive way, and also in a negative way?
  • Any favorite or "signature" looks that you have?
  • If you are a furry, tiny, child av, etc. do you notice other residents reacting to your appearance, and in what ways?
  • Anything else you want to share about your identity and how you express it through your avatar?

Send your answers to me on a notecard in-world or by email at (please, not by IM as my messages cap daily). Thank you! Your name will be kept confidential unless you specifically state I can use it.

Looking forward to 2009

Going into Year Three with Wellness Island and the Counseling Center in Second Life, I realize the amazing amount of growth in SL. When I joined, there were maybe 3 of us who were mental health professionals in RL. Now there are dozens upon dozens. How many are legitimate, trained, degreed, not roleplaying, etc? Maybe 1/3 of that. That's the topic of a whole other blog post, of articles in past Wellness Magazines, and in-world trainings we do from time to time.

But it does show that discussions about mental health, in one way or another, have become much more commonplace in our virtual world. Awareness is a good thing. So one of our goals for 2009 will be working to continue to share resources, to provide groups and workshops, and to make sure the magazine covers topics relevant to resident interests.

The holidays have been fun on the island, with dance parties, skating tours (love The Guided Tour Company), and lots of visitors popping in to say hello, visit the library, or check out the community center.

My SL client practice continues to thrive and grow and always keep me on my toes. Because most of my RL work is in the hospital setting, I don't get to establish ongoing relationships or treatment plans with my patients there. In SL some come for one or two visits, others on an ongoing basis. It's been great to have the opportunity to work with all of them, and to try to meet the challenges of running a RL quality practice (within ethical constraints and for....hmmm...about 1/10 of my RL hourly in a virtual world. So far, so good.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Any Plurkers?

Thread on SL Healthy

A good thread started by Knoh Oh (who also has an article in the upcoming Winter issue of Wellness Magazine)

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Tonight we had another encounter with a "disability devotee" - defined as a type of paraphilia:
This paraphilia is a type of sexual fetish involving attraction to people with impaired mobility, especially those with appliances such as braces or wheelchairs. Another word for a person with this fetish is devotee.

Now I really am a therapist. Trained in sexual stuff. And I have a disability; multiple sclerosis. But this was new to me till about 2 months ago when I got a semi-literate IM from someone who was trolling the Wheelies group in SL, looking for females who appeared online. "Are you an amputee?" Yeah, buddy, that's quite the smooth opening line women are dying to hear. I was building and answered something along the lines of "Huh?" He went on to tell me how he "worhisped women in wheelchairs" and wanted to know if I could walk. Okay by now my skin is crawling. This is not a client, this is unsolicited, this is personal. And, just, eww. End of story, this guy had been trolling enough women that he got the boot and that was that.
Oh, wait. He wasn't the only one. I guess there was a whole workshop in-world about it, and tonight one showed up where a group of us were dancing. Just And IM. One thing we all had in inventory were wheelchairs, so when he finally left we put them on and had a laugh. Talked about using the next devotee as a speed bump.

Then he came back. And we all, en masse, went to have a chat with Mr. Paraphilia. It was kind of sad to see how excited he got when he saw 5-6 female avatars in wheelchairs coming his way. Alas, he was disappointed in what real women with disabilities are like.

Now, again. This man was not my client. He came to us, in what has been for a couple of years a safe place to be. He started off with apparently the requisite "Are you an amputee?" line. To a group of about 5 women and one man, all with various RL disabilities. His profile was filled with amputee and wheelchair related sex clubs. Yeah, I know.

He got an earful from a pretty offended group of people, some of us trying to explain about what it feels like to be the focus of a paraphilia, some very angry. Most of us a bit of both. He tried to make peace. "I don't mean to offense. I feel sorry for you rl." Umm, yeah. Don't be.

"But all the sex club amputees are rl amuptee women." LOL. Okaaaaay. And I am the Queen of Sheba.

Some days I think I have seen it all. Where I work there is a locked unit, two in fact. Some very sick folks, trying to get better. Other days, like this one, I just shake my head.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Winter 2008

Being bitten by the Plurk bug brought me back to this dusty old Blogger. I was surprised to see it had been well over a year since I last updated. I work on my "official" SL webpage all the time ( so maybe finding this was a chance to go in a more personal direction than just Wellness Island and work info.
So hopefully I will be here a little more, updating about the bigger SL picture and my time there :-)